Join DSA
Provides guidance to staff, Annual Meeting Chairman and the Board of Directors on the logistics, objectives and programming for the Annual Meeting.
Lends oversight and strategic counsel to DSA programs and initiatives that seek to communicate the value of direct selling and the association to policymakers and other audiences.
Committee Roster and Staff Liaison
Assess member company educational needs, designs or recommends effective educational programs and evaluates results.
Promotes the highest levels of ethical behavior among our members. Oversees our self-regulatory efforts through the Code of Ethics and undertakes review of the industry’s practices to ensure promotion of ethical business dealings and identifies areas to strengthen consumer and salesforce protection.
Takes action on behalf of the Board of Directors between board meetings on matters brought to its attention by standing committees, the membership and the staff.
Makes certain that the association income is adequate to finance regular and anticipated services to the membership and provide for building and maintaining an adequate reserve. The treasurer will serve as chairman of the committee.
Monitors legal trends, debates legal issues facing the industry, exchanges legal viewpoints among member companies and recommend industry activities in areas of legal concern.
Protects the direct selling industry against legislative or regulatory threats. Promotes introduction and passage of equitable and uniform laws and regulations affecting direct selling and assists our staff in monitoring legislative proposals and proposed administrative regulations on federal, state and local levels. Initiates, develops and recommends position papers on legislative issues for the consideration of the Board of Directors.
Oversees the development and administration of our member services program, preparing and recommending a program of staff and committee work annually, while developing and adopting service programs which are responsive to identified member needs, identify and capitalize upon opportunities for the generation of non-dues revenue.
Assures that the association has officers and directors of the highest caliber and integrity, who will represent a cross section of the membership.
Studies developments and trends affecting the direct selling method of distribution, anticipates long term opportunities, needs and problems and recommends actions for immediate implementation which aid the association and its member companies in preparing for the future.
Considers and recommends to the Board of Directors beneficial programs, services and activities, which will strengthen the bond between members and Supplier affiliates. The Executive Contact from each Supplier company is a member of this committee.
Provides a venue for direct selling CEOs and Presidents to meet and speak with each other regarding issues faced on a daily basis.
Works to increase our DSA members’ share of consumer product and service markets by assisting our member companies and to elevate our member companies’ image and credibility across a broader consumer base that includes UUMs.
Council Roster and Staff Liaison
Gathers information and facilitates the sharing of information between member companies on international direct selling issues of both strategic and operational importance. Develops policy recommendations for the DSA Board of Directors.
Acts as a legal advisory body to the Board of Directors and the standing committees of the association, monitors legal trends, debates legal issues facing the industry and exchanges legal viewpoints among member companies.
Provides a regular opportunity for executives of host-driven party plan companies to share information and more fully utilize our services that are tailored to this unique segment of the direct selling distribution channel.
Provides a forum for sharing information regarding direct sellers’ use of technology to enhance the traditional direct selling channel and provides guidance to the association and its members regarding legal, regulatory and practical issues raised by the use of technology.
For more information contact Marcia Davis Rhinehart, Director, Executive Office & Board Activities.
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