General Session Keynotes

General Session I:
Spike Jones

Spike Jones, SVP, Digital/Word of Mouth at Fleischman-Hillard, will give you a fresh take on the relationship between online and offline communications. Social media is today's trend, but will it always dominate your marketing strategies? Spike says "No!" and he'll tell you why this December!


General Session II:
Tony Hsieh

Want to connect? Deliver Happiness! After having run Zappos for more than 10 years, and bringing the company into partnership with last year, Tony's corporate culture focusing on creating personal emotional connections with his customers has helped Zappos become a $1.2 billion+ company. Imagine what you can learn from this dynamic presentation! Highlights will include:
• Why happiness—yours, your employees', your distributors' and your customers'—is the name of the game
• How focusing on the customer enables your company to constantly evolve with the changing marketplace
• Why your short-term focus shouldn't just be on profit—and how to get upper-level buy-in for this philosophy

Speaker Sponsored By:


Media Training (Basic and Advanced Sessions)
Sunday, December 5, 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Are you responsible for talking to reporters or handling touchy situations with key audiences such as your field leaders or legislators and regulators? Anyone in this position should be trained by a professional media trainer who has been to the front lines and survived to tell about it. Take one of two opportunities to participate in a small group, hands-on media training session led by an expert in media relations. Learn how to convey your message effectively and step in front of the camera to get feedback on your ability to handle the tough questions.
Advanced registration required; extra fee applies.

Workshop Tracks

Direct Selling 101
Communications & Marketing
Salesforce Development
Meetings & Incentives

Direct Selling 101

Join us for this special pre-conference workshop for those seeking to start or grow a direct selling company, or diversify into direct selling from other marketing channels. A panel of seasoned direct selling pros who have hands-on experience with successful start-up companies will share how they put their business principles into practice. You’ll not only get theory, but you’ll also see that theory put into action. Your registration includes five hours of training, take-home resources, peer-to-peer networking opportunities, lunch, access to the Conference’s solution-filled expo and attendance at the two-hour conference Grand Opening Reception.
Advanced registration required; extra fee applies.

Sunday, December 5 | 10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Finding the Right Marketing Plan

It’s your salesforce that makes your direct selling company different from companies in other sales channels, right? But how do you determine how your salesforce members should make their sales—and what are your options? During this session you’ll find out:
• Three different sales plans from which you can pick
• How your product line affects your choice
• Why choosing well matters for your future growth
• Best practices to put your plan to work for your company
Alan Luce, President, Luce & Associates

Sunday, December 5 | 11:15 a.m. – Noon
Compensation Plan Design Essentials

What makes direct selling different? Distributor commissions, right? Are you clueless about compensation? Or maybe you’re re-evaluating your company’s current plan and you’re not sure where to start? We’ll help you learn the essentials, including:
• Designs that insure everyone wins
• Principles to guarantee your plan will work
• Best practices for a winning structure that won’t bankrupt your company
Dan Jensen, Compensation Plan Specialist, Dan Jensen Consulting

Sunday, December 5 | 1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Key Operating Indicators

Every company, direct selling or otherwise, needs to pay attention to its key operating indicators—the data that measures your company’s success (or lack thereof). So, to what should you pay attention, and how can you tell if your data is in line with expectations? The expert delivering this presentation will cover:
• The metrics to which you need to pay the most attention—and why
• Signs that your data’s off-balance and how to fix it
• Ways to reasonably adjust your indicators as your company grows
Dan Murphy, Treasurer, DSA Board of Directors

Sunday, December 5 | 2:00 p.m. – 2:40 p.m.
Company Case Study

Now that you’ve heard some of the key industry theory and philosophy, make the most of this time while you listen to a successful direct selling executive as he shares:
•Business-altering experiences they’ve gone through in the past two years
• Lessons they’ve learned as they’ve put theory into action
• Highlights of their operations and inspirational moments that have carried them through the tough spots
Orville Thompson, Chief Executive Officer, Scentsy, Inc.

Sunday, December 5 | 2:40 p.m. – 3:20 p.m.
A Legal Framework

Not an attorney? Make sure you hear this presentation anyway. Our sales channel has a very particular legal framework and it’s important for you to know about it, no matter what role you play for your company. Discussion points include:
• The regulatory bodies watching our industry
• Direct selling’s five legal “Ps” and the facets of each that provoke attack
• Compensation dos and don’ts—and the troubles they’ll bring you if you confuse the two
Spencer Reese, Partner, Grimes & Reese

Sunday, December 5 | 3:40 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Three Principles & Four Questions

You know direct selling is different from other sales channels, but it’s about more than just a marketing plan or a commission check. We’ll delve into industry philosophy as we discuss:
• Why distributor support is a critical component of your company’s success in a way that no other factor can claim
• How to earn your distributors’ trust and why you must do so
• The four constituencies you need to consider as part of every business decision and how their responses will affect your outcome
Alan Luce, President, Luce & Associates

Sunday, December 5 | 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Promotions that Drive Your Business

Promotions are meant to complement your compensation plan and encourage distributor activity—not replace compensation. This course will cover why this distinction is important and ways to promote successfully, including:
• How to create a sense of urgency within your salesforce
• Ways to enable your leaders to lead their downlines in the charge—not just guide them
• Best practices for using promotions to drive sales
Jan Gilmore, Principal, Jan Gilmore & Associates

Sunday, December 5 | 5:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Five Keys to a Fast Start

Ready to get out there and build your company? Are you feeling inspired to hit the ground running? We’ll discuss five factors critical to your success, plus:
• Elements that will hold you back if you let them
• Why fast is good and what dangers come from slowing down too soon
• Expecting the unexpected
Alan Luce, President, Luce & Associates

Sunday, December 5 | 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Grand Opening Reception in Expo

Want to “talk technical” with a knowledgeable rep? Need to find new ways to trim costs without sacrificing profits? Our expo is the place to come for expert advice and leading-edge technologies and is a goldmine of the latest products and services. Try products for yourself while enjoying delicious cuisine and getting to know industry vendors and other executives.


Communications & Marketing

Monday, December 6 | 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Training the Salesforce to Use Social Media

Social media use is becoming increasingly prevalent among the salesforce (whether we like it or not!). The salesforce is recognizing how social media can help them find new contacts that result in new business, while strengthening relationships with existing contacts. However it’s essential that they understand the “unwritten rules” that come with using social media for business. This session covers the essential topics that all direct sellers need to know when using social media to promote their businesses, as well as the things you want to encourage the field to avoid doing (and the tools you can put into place to help with that). We’ll look at what direct selling companies are doing right now to train the salesforce, while addressing such issues as cultural and language differences. A reproducible “Social Media 101” handout that can be used to train your salesforce will also be provided to all attendees.
Jennifer Fong, Social Media Associate, Luce & Associates
Dan Macuga, VP of Marketing, PR & Social Media, USANA Health Sciences, Inc.

Monday, December 6 | 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Navigating the Legal Parameters of Social Marketing

How to Remain Compliant While Maximizing Your Message

How do you ensure that your online message creates maximum impact and mitigates liability for your brand? During this session learn tips, hints and details of the law that will help you navigate and remain compliant in the increasingly complicated online space. Understand ethical and legal parameters for utilizing social media, blogger outreach, celebrity endorsements and socialized news to promote your brand or service online. You will learn about:
• Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations
• Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations
• Ethical guidelines for social media
• Channel-specific rules and regulations
Ashley Good, General Counsel, Arbonne

Monday, December 6 | 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Beauty that Counts—an Integrated Approach to Leveraging CSR Activities

Discover how Mary Kay is enriching the lives of women and children around the world, one lipstick at a time. The Mary Kay independent salesforce—2 million members strong—has taken the power of a lipstick and helped donate more than $3 million through the company’s cause-related marketing initiative, Beauty that Counts®. During this interactive session, you'll learn how Mary Kay brings together its salesforce, consumers, employees and non-profit partners to cross-promote this initiative. Learn how to leverage the power of social media and Web tools, corporate events and existing programs to maximize exposure for your corporate social responsibility initiatives.
Kirsten Monberg Gappelberg, Corporate Communications, Mary Kay Inc.

Monday, December 6 | 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Networking Roundtable

Join your peers to discuss challenges unique to direct selling. Roundtable leaders will moderate discussions on a range of subjects from social media to PR to emerging trends and more!

Monday, December 6 | 3:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Are You “App”-enabled? Creating a Mobile App for Your Company

It seems everyone has a “mobile app” these days, but how are they being used by direct selling companies? You’ll hear from one company that has developed an app for use by their consultants that allows sellers to access important online functionality on the go—assisting in customer relationship management and creating a “virtual office” no matter the location.
Bonni Davis, Vice President, Sales, lia sophia
Mary Jo Hann, Director, Communications, lia sophia
Daryl Wurzbacher, Director, Solutions, ByDesign Technologies, Inc.

Monday, December 6 | 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Creating and Using Effective Online Distributor Forums

Your consultants have things to say—both to you and their fellow sellers—and the forums you provide (or don’t provide) for these conversations may very well help determine whether you’ll be able to benefit from the information shared or spend your time trying to control the damage. Hear about the experience of two companies in creating, maintaining and using online distributor forums.
Bob McClintick, Communications Services Manager, Creative Memories
David Sattler, Internet Marketing Strategist, Scentsy, Inc.

Tuesday, Dcember 7 | 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Experiencing Success Through Compelling Story-Telling

Some companies grow and some don’t. But why? Telling a compelling story is part of the reason, and this panel will share best practices for inspiring a crowd to action and experiencing amazing growth in the process. You’ll learn:
• How Ambit has been able to race to the top of the charts selling energy products
• How AdvoCare managed to rally their field after the death of their company founder
• Some of the common messaging errors companies make that lead directly into a downward spiral
Paul Adams, SVP, Strategic Marketing, VideoPlus, L.P.
Scott Lawrence, VP, Marketing Programs, Ambit Energy
Jan Wold, VP, Marketing, AdvoCare International, LP

Tuesday, December 7 | 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
To Blog or Not to Blog

Many companies are still struggling with the question of whether to have a blog—and if the answer is yes, who will speak for the company and what will they say? Two companies have come up with interesting approaches to answering these questions and you may be surprised about the decisions that led them to where they are.
Kara Schneck, Senior Director, Corporate Communications, Nu Skin Enterprises
Lisa Kuftinec, Senior PR/Social Media Manager, USANA Health Sciences, Inc.

Tuesday, December 7 | 2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Scentsy Case Study: Social Media Engagement

Get a sneak peek into the strategy, ideas and metrics behind the programs recognized in Scentsy’s 2010 DSA Success Award for social media engagement. This case study will highlight the online efforts Scentsy employed to rebuild trust, introduce fun and drive engagement that turned consultant frustration into dramatic spikes in web traffic and product sales. Learn how to:
• Use social media to create opportunities for brand evangelists
• Create positive “buzz” with simple, cost-effect programs
• Build social media engagement that’s fun and measurable
John Curtis, Vice President, Brand & Communications, Scentsy, Inc.

Tuesday, December 7 | 2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Using Viral Video to Promote Your Company

Catch up with XanGo’s Shane Martindale who, during last year’s seminar, shared how his company used buzz marketing to gain attention. Hear more from Shane on that topic plus how to incorporate viral video into your media mix for your next company promotion.
Shane Martindale, Manager, Buzz Marketing, XanGo LLC

Tuesday, December 7 | 3:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Putting Your Best Foot Forward — How to Maintain Your Reputation Online

What do potential customers find when they perform an online search for your company? If too many “negative” websites appear in the search results, your prospects will question your credibility—and may choose to never do business with you. In this session you’ll learn:
• How to “own” the first page of a Google search—and why you need multiple websites to win the online reputation game
• The top five things companies do to ruin their own reputation
• How to track your online reputation so you can spot trouble early
• Is it time to kill your brand? What happens when a reputation is destroyed online ... and how to avoid this dire situation
Brett Duncan, Director, Global Online Solutions, Mannatech, Inc.
Don Sorensen, President, Big Blue Robot

Tuesday, December 7 | 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Taking Your Social Media Strategy Global

You’re knee-deep in implementing your social media strategy domestically, but what’s going on with the rest of the world? Social media is a global phenomenon and just when you thought you’d figured it out, you’re faced with how to integrate other markets into the plan. In this session you’ll learn:
•How to assess the global social media landscape as it relates to your company
•Whether you should have a global strategy or a market-specific strategy
•Pitfalls to avoid in creating and implementing an international social media strategy
•How two companies have approached these questions and the lessons they’ve learned
George Fischer, VP, WW Corporate Communications, Herbalife
Dino Baskovic
, Manager, Corporate Communications, Amway


Salesforce Development

Monday, December 6 | 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Motivating and Developing Leaders: The True Story

Leaders are increasingly stressed and need new answers and training to support themselves and their teams. Hear industry experts take on today’s “edgy” questions and learn what the future holds during this session, including:
• What really motivates your salesforce
• A fresh approach to developing leaders
• Ways to create trust between your company and your field
Janet Cronstedt, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Take Shape for Life, Inc. - Medifast
Bonni Davis, Vice President, Sales, lia sophia
Pat Pearson, Pat Pearson Consulting
Jeff Stroud, President, Private Quarters

Monday, December 6 | 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Problem Solved: A Case Study - First Session

Direct selling companies face many challenges. It’s how you address them that makes all the difference. Join this session to hear a first-hand, detailed account about how one of your peers made it through a major crisis and survived to thrive today.
Jay Leisner, President, Sylvina Consulting
Orville Thompson, Chief Executive Officer, Scentsy, Inc.

Monday, December 6 | 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Roundtable Discussions

Learn from others and share your own knowledge at this interactive forum. Industry experts will guide discussions as you explore the following salesforce development challenges:
• Millennials
• Salesforce tools
• PCI compliance
• Training
• Leadership development
• Compensation
• Retention
Roundtable Leaders:
Carolyn Ballard, Manager, Communications, Avon Products, Inc.
Janet Cronstedt, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Take Shape for Life, Inc. - Medifast
Dan Jensen, Compensation Plan Specialist, Dan Jensen Consulting
Darrel Welling, Executive Vice President, ProPay

Monday, December 6 | 3:45 p.m .– 4:30 p.m.
The Distributor Experience

There are thousands of direct selling opportunities out there and handfuls of companies selling similar products. How do you make sure your company is one to which potential recruits gravitate? Two words: Distributor Experience. Attend this session and you’ll learn:
• Why 95 percent of senior direct selling executives are saying the distributor experience is the new competitive battleground
• What game-changing connections will form lifelong loyalty bonds
• How the distributor experience can be used as a competitive weapon, as well as a means of cost-cutting
• How to unleash the power of emotions through the distributor experience to create true loyalty
Teri Baker, Director, Customer Care, Univera
Richard Brooke, Chief Executive Officer,
Terrel Transtrum, President, ServiceQuest

Monday, December 6 | 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Ninety Days to Success

New recruits are the life blood of your organization. And the first 90 days after enrollment is vital to their success and your success as a company. It’s the highest attrition period and the most critical period for them to positively engage. Don’t leave their success during this period to chance. During this fast-paced, informative workshop you’ll learn:
• How to set the right target for new reps to shoot for with associated rewards and recognition
• How to identify and focus on the few vital behaviors that will predictably lead to their success
• How to assure behavioral change through six powerful sources of influence (named MIT Sloan Management Review Change Management Approach of the Year)
• A powerful framework and system for developing or improving your own fast start program
Brett Blake, Managing Director, Beachbody
David Taylor, President, David Taylor Consulting

Tuesday, December 7 | 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Understanding Culture in a Direct Selling Company

Too many executives think if they just market their company well or have a good product, compensation plan and software, they can be successful in a direct selling venture. But until you understand who you are and what kind of company you want yours to be, you can’t achieve and maintain successful growth. During this workshop you’ll learn:
• How to build a company with a soul
• How to stand for something beyond your product
• How to create a sense of community
• How to get people to love your company
• Why all of this matters more than anything else
Bob Hipple, President, Eaglecap Consulting
Theresa Moberg, Vice President, Training & Development, Tastefully Simple, Inc.

Tuesday, December 7 | 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Men in Direct Selling

While industry data shows that more than 80 percent of our distributors are women, that still leaves plenty of room for men in your salesforce. So, how do you attract them to your company and reap the rewards they bring with them? Our panelists will discuss:
• Motivating men—they won’t respond the way women do
• Making your company attractive to the opposite sex—men really will sell make-up and jewelry!
• Three things that will ward men off from your company
Richard Brooke, Chairman & CEO,

Tuesday, December 7 | 2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Women & Leadership: Empowering Your Salesforce to Succeed

Women bring unique strengths to direct selling yet many hesitate to aspire to higher ranks due to a lack of confidence in—and fear of—their leadership skills. This session will:
• Identify the seven key strengths women bring to direct selling
• Show you how to empower and equip a predominantly female sales force to move up rather than stagnate
• Examine the fear factor success brings with it
Mary Christensen, Speaker, Mary Christensen Inc.
Lia Keeping, Vice President, Sales, North America, Jockey Person to Person

Tuesday, December 7 | 2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Problem Solved: A Case Study - Second Sessions

Direct selling companies face many challenges. It’s how you address them that makes all the difference. Join this session to hear a first-hand, detailed account about how one of your peers made it through a major crisis and survived to thrive today.
John Bigay, Chief Marketing Officer, Barefoot Books
Jay Leisner, President, Sylvina Consulting

Tuesday, December 7 | 3:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Attracting Hispanics to Your Opportunity

You hear it all the time: Hispanics have their own culture and respond differently than other distributors communication, marketing and business-building. What does that mean and why do some companies attract a larger Hispanic population than others? Our expert will share with you:
• Ways you can motivate Hispanic distributors to become powerhouses for your company
• Critical turn-offs that will send them running—and take all their friends with them!
• Why attracting this market segment is critical to your long-term success

Tuesday, December 7 | 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Jump Start Your January

The recruits you gain this fall in advance of the holiday rush are your company’s greatest asset—they’ve already realized success and just need some motivation to stick with it! This session will provide you with:
• Ways to make this December’s rockstars January’s leaders-in-training
• Development tools that will help these rising stars succeed
• Keys to motivating these reps throughout the winter slowdown
Orville Thompson, CEO, Scentsy, Inc.


Meetings & Incentives

Monday, December 6 | 10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Why We’re Unique

One of the most important aspects of our sales channel is the events we host. Annual conventions, trainings, seminars and incentive trips are integral to the business. So how do our events differ from other industries and why does it matter? In this session we’ll explore:
• The importance of educating your event partners on industry-specific needs
• Determining the right fit for your unique business
• Leveraging the best aspects of your business to create the ultimate experience every time
Joseph N. Mariano, Executive Vice President, Direct Selling Association

Monday, December 6 | 11:00 a.m.
Load buses for Mandalay Bay behind the Scenes Tour & Program

Monday, December 6 | 11:20 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Welcome and Mandalay Bay Behind the Scenes Tour

Monday, December 6 | 12:45 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Chef’s Table and Senior Hotel Panel Luncheon

To include Revenue Director, Senior Marketing Execs and more

Monday, December 6 | 2:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Roundtable Discussion – The Ultimate Idea Swap – Meeting & Industry Trends

What will the business of direct selling look like in the next decade and, most importantly, how will the transformation impact meetings? Find out from a distinguished panel of direct selling executives what trends their tracking, how they see the roles of meetings evolving over the next 10 years, and how you can adjust to the inevitable changes. Then talk one-on-one with your peers during an interactive roundtable discussion about what you can do to prepare.

Monday, December 6 | 3:15 p.m.
Load Buses to Return to Mandarin Oriental Hotel

Monday, December 6 | 3:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Let’s Talk Technology

Learn how to creatively apply state-of-the-art technology to simplify your event planning and attendee experience. We’ll explore emerging trends on how technology can improve your events – inside and outside the meeting room! This interactive session will demonstrate that technology is more about the audience than the presentation.
Peter Hanley, President & CEO, PlanNet (

Monday, December 6 | 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Location, Location, Location

Taking your convention on the road? Trying to find the most appealing spot for your next incentive trip? Enjoy this fast-paced review of the most popular cities for meetings and incentives. Just like in real estate, location matters in event planning. Learn how to select the best location and venue to meet your budget, company culture, attendance and production needs.
Patty Karsten, Manager, Purchasing, BCD Meetings & Events

Tuesday, December 7 | 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Virtual Events

While nothing can replace the power generated when your distributors gather together, face-to-face meetings have become cost-prohibitive—not to mention less than appealing for your representatives’ busy schedules. A virtual event could be your new best friend! We’ll explore:
• How other companies have incorporated virtual events
• The most common online formats available and how to select what will be best for your company
• The benefits involved and challenges to consider when transitioning to online events
Kimberly Medaglia, Vice President, One Smooth Stone

Tuesday, December 7 | 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Hotel Contracts

Detailed hotel contracts and the appropriate language of key provisions are critical to protecting your company and its bottom line. An attorney and a hotelier, with more than 20 years of combined experience in hotel sales and hospitality law, will provide you with the highly detailed information you need to nail for each and every contract, including:
• An uncomplicated account of hotel contract damages vs. penalties
• Best practices on hot topics including walk-clauses, cancellation, attrition, mitigation, force majeure, indemnification and others
• How to make sure Mother Nature doesn’t steal your thunder
• Concessions that have a big impact on your budget
• How to avoid hidden fees and charges to your master account
Karen Peterson, Events & Travel, Luce & Associates
Mark Roysner, Attorney at Law, Law Office of Mark Roysner/Roysner & Associates

Tuesday, December 7 | 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Outsourcing: A Strategy for Doing More with Less

Whether your meetings or incentive trips are large or small, you’ll need to call on the assistance of an outside expert at some point. How do you determine your needs? This session will cover the best practices for using a variety of low-cost resources in order to run cost-effective and efficient events, including:
• Convention service bureaus and professional travel directors
• Destination management vendors and site-selection companies
• Production companies and other partners
Cortney Carroll, CMP, Director, Meetings & Incentives, Vollara, LLC

Tuesday, December 7 | 3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Bringing Your Events to Your Salesforce

Attendees and company leaders alike look forward to annual convention for a variety of reasons. Yet if your reps don’t make it to your convention what does that mean for their productivity and connection to your products? Is there room for both large and small events within your company’s strategic plan? We’ll discuss:
• Meeting attendance trends
• How companies are bringing meetings to their salesforce
• The future of events in direct selling
Mitch Jacobs, Director, Events, Thirty-One Gifts

Tuesday, December 7 | 3:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Getting the WOW! from Your Production Company

Production is one of the largest budget items for any annual convention and a production company can make or break your event. How do you select the best vendor to meet your meeting objectives, budget and scope? This session will walk you through how to:
• Write an RFP that clearly articulates your project needs
• Find and select the best partner and negotiate a partnership to meet your goals and budget
• Move from the concept to the event without losing anything in the translation
Joyce Elven, Director, Communications, PartyLite Gifts, Inc.
Peter Metz, Vice President, ZOOM.7 Meetings & Events

Tuesday, December 7 | 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Selecting the Right Keynote Speaker: Getting More than Just a Speech

Finding the right keynote speaker has always been a challenge: not only does the speaker have to impart an inspirational and educational message, but he/she also has to connect with the audience. In this session, you’ll learn how to be savvy about selecting the right speaker for your next event. We’ll discuss:
• Finding a speaker with the right message for your program and audience
• Whether big name speakers are worth the money
• Negotiating an all-inclusive speaker contract
• Tailoring their out-of-the-box presentation to be specific to your event
• Ways to guarantee your keynote delivers what’s promised
John Truran, Senior Vice President, Keppler Speakers
