DSA Announces 20 Largest Direct Selling Companies

November 4, 2013

Washington, D.C. (Nov. 4, 2013) — The Direct Selling Association (DSA) has announced the Top 20 Largest Direct Selling Association Member Companies. The ranking is based on net U.S. sales in 2012. This marks the first time in association history that DSA has released a public ranking of its member companies. Full video of DSA’s formal announcement is available online.

Representing the broad range of products and services available via direct selling, the 20 companies named to this year’s list demonstrate the positive impact direct selling has on the economy, communities and the millions of Americans who participate in direct selling.

Even more, as DSA members, each of these companies has affirmed their commitment to one of the most consumer oriented self-regulatory codes in business today, the DSA Code of Ethics.

In alphabetical order, the Top 20 Largest DSA Member Companies are:

  • AdvoCare International, LP
  • Ambit Energy
  • Amway
  • Arbonne International, LLC
  • Avon Products, Inc.
  • Beachbody
  • CUTCO/Vector Marketing Corp.
  • Herbalife
  • lia sophia
  • LifeVantage Corporation
  • Mary Kay Inc.
  • Melaleuca, Inc.
  • Nu Skin Enterprises
  • The Pampered Chef
  • Premier Designs, Inc.
  • Scentsy
  • Stream Energy
  • Thirty-One Gifts
  • Take Shape for Life – Medifast
  • USANA Health Sciences, Inc.

Many of the companies named to DSA’s Top 20 Largest Direct Selling Companies list rank among the top businesses in the United States in categories such as health and wellness, clothing and accessories, personal care and energy.

“These 20 companies play a significant role in driving the ongoing success of the direct selling industry,” said DSA President Joseph Mariano. “With an increase in sales every year since 2009, direct selling has proven its ability to grow and thrive, even during tough economic times. These companies stand as inspiring examples of innovation at its finest. It is because of their success – as well as that of DSA’s 220 additional active and pending member companies – that direct selling continues to grow and prosper.”

U.S. direct sales totaled $31.6 billion in 2012, a 5.9 percent year-over-year increase from $29.87 billion in 2011. In 2012, there were 15.9 million U.S. direct sellers, an increase from 15.6 million the prior year. DSA announced earlier this week that the association will honor next year’s 20 Largest DSA Member Companies with a formal dinner reception scheduled for March 31, 2014, in Washington, D.C.

About the Direct Selling Association

DSA is the national trade association of the leading firms that manufacture and distribute goods and services sold directly to consumers. Among its more than 240 active and pending members are companies selling both via a party-plan method and in the traditional person-to-person style. In 2012, U.S. direct sales were more than $31.6 billion with nearly 16 million direct sellers nationwide. The vast majority are independent business people—micro-entrepreneurs—whose purpose is to sell the product/service of the company they voluntarily choose to represent. Approximately 90 percent of direct sellers operate their business part-time. For more information on direct selling, DSA and its Code of Ethics, please visit DSA’s website, www.dsa.org.

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