Direct Selling Association Statement on Arrest of Amway India CEO William Pinckney

June 2, 2014

The Direct Selling Association of the United States (USDSA) is very concerned about  the recent arrest and prolonged detention of Amway India CEO William Pinckney by the Hyderabad police in Gurgaon, India.   Member companies of the Indian Direct Selling Association (IDSA), including Amway,  continue to work with local and national authorities to demonstrate their commitment to abide by the requirements of Indian law, as well as the rigorous self-regulatory consumer and salesperson protection standards embodied in the IDSA Code of Ethics.  That Code, like the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA) Model Code of Ethics upon which it is based, exceeds the requirements of law. The direct selling business model is recognized around the world as a solid method of product distribution that empowers individuals to buy and sell a wide range of quality products and services. USDSA remains hopeful that the legitimate direct selling industry can continue to work with authorities in Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh to enable Indian citizens to take advantage of the many benefits of direct selling while ensuring appropriate consumer protection measures are in place.

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