Direct Selling Association Endorses U.S. Representative Tim Walberg for Re-election to Congress

October 5, 2014

New ad urges Michiganders to support elected officials who empower entrepreneurship and economic opportunity personified by direct selling

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Direct Selling Association (DSA) today announced that it has endorsed U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich. 7th District) for re-election because he has supported more than 530,000 Michiganders who have created better lives through direct selling.

The endorsement appears in today’s Lansing State Journal. The ad explains: “Congressman Tim Walberg empowers American entrepreneurs…That’s why the direct selling industry enthusiastically supports him for the U.S. House of Representatives.” A copy of the ad is available at

“We want elected officials to understand that economic opportunity comes in many shapes and sizes,” said Joseph Mariano, president of DSA. “Congressman Walberg stands with direct sellers who help power Michigan’s economy. Now, we’re pleased to stand with him.”

Direct selling – which involves the sale of products and services person-to-person, through home parties or online through distributor websites – provides independent consultants with personal flexibility, the opportunity to own their own businesses and the chance to achieve a variety of personal and professional goals.

The DSA ad is part of a new, national campaign recognizing 13 incumbents and congressional challengers in 11 states. Nationwide, nearly 17 million Americans are involved in direct selling.

Michigan’s direct selling industry generated $865.8 million in sales last year.

The campaign was paid for by Direct Selling Empowers Americans. More information is available at


DSA is the national trade association of the leading firms that manufacture and distribute goods and services sold directly to consumers. Among its more than 240 active and pending members are companies selling both via a party-plan method and in the traditional person-to-person style. In 2013, U.S. direct sales were more than $32 billion with nearly 17 million direct sellers nationwide. The vast majority are independent business people—micro-entrepreneurs—whose purpose is to sell the product/service of the company they voluntarily choose to represent. Approximately 90 percent of direct sellers operate their businesses part-time.

For more information on direct selling, DSA and its Code of Ethics, please visit DSA’s website,

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