Direct Sellers Urge Californians to Re-Elect U.S. Representatives Grace Napolitano and Tony Cárdenas

October 20, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Direct Selling Association’s (DSA’s) SuperPAC, Direct Selling Empowers Americans, today announced the release of a new print advertisement supporting U.S. Reps. Grace Napolitano (D-Calif. 32nd District) and Tony Cárdenas (D-Calif. 29th District) in recognition of their commitment to direct selling and the opportunity it provides more than 2 million Californians.

The ad appears in today’s Los Angeles Times as part of a national campaign to support candidates who have stood up for direct selling. It explains that Reps. Cárdenas and Napolitano are fighting for Californians by co-sponsoring H.R. 5230, the Anti-Pyramid Promotional Scheme Act of 2016, “a bill that helps consumers avoid business scams while supporting direct sellers to continue support their families and purchase products they love.”

“We want Californian voters to be informed and understand the positive impact direct selling has in their state and across America,” said Joseph Mariano, President of DSA. “As such, we’re proud to support Congressman Cárdenas and Congresswoman Napolitano, who have stood with direct sellers who help power California’s economy.”

DSA also recently released its 2016 Voters’ Guide, which includes 48 elected officials – including Reps. Cárdenas and Napolitano – and the substantive areas in which they have been involved with direct selling. Federal candidates identified include members of the congressional Direct Selling Caucus, and those who support consumer protection legislation such as H.R. 5230. This bipartisan proposal aims to provide greater clarity in federal law for consumers to avoid pyramid schemes and give direct selling companies more guidance on ethical business practices.

Nationwide, more than 20 million Americans are involved in direct selling – which involves the sale of products and services person-to-person, through home parties or online – and provides independent consultants with personal flexibility, the opportunity to own their own businesses and the chance to achieve a variety of personal and professional goals. Direct retail sales continue to grow year after year to more than $36 billion in 2015.



The Direct Selling Association (DSA) is the national trade association for companies that offer entrepreneurial opportunities to independent sellers to market and sell products and services, typically outside of a fixed retail establishment. More than 20 million Americans are involved in direct selling in every state, congressional district and community in the United States. In 2015, direct selling generated more than $36 billion in retail sales. For more information, visit

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