Congressional Direct Selling Caucus Virtual Event Focused on 2022 Industry Growth and Insight with Co-Chairs U.S. Representatives Richard Hudson (NC) and Marc Veasey (TX)

February 23, 2022

(WASHINGTON D.C.) – On Feb. 14, 2022, the Congressional Direct Selling Caucus held a virtual briefing, “Growth of the Micro-Entrepreneur & Legislative Update.” Caucus co-chairs, Reps. Richard Hudson (R-NC) and Marc Veasey (D-TX) discussed with Direct Selling Association (DSA) President Joseph N. Mariano the recent growth of the industry and important legislative issues. Specifically, the panel addressed protecting independent contractor status for all Americans, as well as consumer protection and self-regulation for the industry.

Reps. Hudson and Veasey encouraged their colleagues to support the Caucus and reiterated that direct selling is an important piece of the American economy and that independent direct sellers are vital to their hometown communities. Currently, there are 40 members of the Congressional Direct Selling Caucus.

“I had a direct selling business in college and learned a lot through that experience that has led to my success as a Member of Congress. The flexibility the business provides for families in my district, especially those in the military is a vital aspect,” said Rep. Hudson.  

Rep. Veasey shared, “I value the work that direct sellers do as a huge part of the economy in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. It is important that we keep that success going and share with others what direct sellers do in their communities.”

“I am gratified that the Congressional Direct Selling Caucus has grown to over 40 bi-partisan members. Co-Charis Hudson and Veasey are emblematic of the caucus members’ understanding and appreciation of the positive impact millions of direct sellers have on the American economy and their communities. Representatives Veasey and Hudson are champions of small business like those of direct sellers and understand that the opportunities provided by direct selling and other small business rely on consistency, clarity, and reasonableness of law and regulation. DSA is appreciative of their leadership on these issues.” said Mariano.  

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