Caucus Briefing Shows Positive Impact of Direct Selling

March 31, 2017

Direct Selling Caucus - 3.29.17 - 21 of 22On March 29, the DSA in conjunction with the Congressional Direct Selling Caucus hosted a briefing: “Direct Selling: Entrepreneurism Driving Economic Growth” to discuss the value of direct selling to millions of micro-entrepreneurs and the United States economy.

DSA President Joe Mariano presented an overview of the positive impact of the direct selling channel as well as the importance of DSA’s robust relationships with government officials and regulators. He also discussed the Association’s legislative agenda including consumer protection legislation, tax, and independent contractor status.

Caucus Co-Chair Marc Veasey (D-TX), drawing on interactions with constituents said: “It’s amazing how interwoven direct selling is and how many people it affects on a daily basis.” Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) echoed those sentiments, relating personal experiences and adding that being a direct seller “Teaches individuals how to use products and services and improve their lives.”

Dr. Robert Peterson, Associate Dean for Research at the University of Texas, Austin, presented further data in support of the significant direct, indirect, and induced socio-economic impact of direct selling in the United States.

Former NFL wide receiver JJ Birden, a Team Isagenix athlete and distributor, described how direct selling taught him leadership and life skills and has brought him in contact with those who have benefited from both the products and the entrepreneurial opportunity.

For more information on this event and future briefings, please contact DSA’s Attorney and Government Relations Manager Brian Bennett at


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