Navigating Entrepreneurship with Vision: Lessons from the CEO of Jenkon Software

Sep 11, 2023


Jenkon Software, a trailblazing software technology platform, has delivered innovative solutions to the direct selling industry across the nation since the late 1970s. At the helm of this remarkable journey is President and CEO, Robert Cavitt, a seasoned entrepreneur with over three decades with the company. Cavitt delves into his perspective on entrepreneurship, strategies for rebuilding a business, and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs in this episode of The Direct Entrepreneur.

Cavitt is passionate about building a culture of innovation and knows that it is essential for long-term success. He outlines several steps to foster this innovation in a business environment:

  • Celebrate Successes: Acknowledge and appreciate achievements, big and small, as they contribute to the company's growth and motivate the team.
  • Collaborate with Customers: Engage in constant collaboration with customers to understand their needs and pain points. Ensure that the solutions provided align well with their requirements.
  • Encourage Open Communication: Establish open channels of communication within the company where ideas and feedback can flow freely, promoting a dynamic exchange of thoughts.
  • Emphasize Continuous Improvement: Encourage everyone in the organization to always strive for improvement, recognizing that there is always more to do and new opportunities to explore.

Learn more about Cavitt’s advice to aspiring entrepreneurs and hear the full conversation between DSA President Joe Mariano and Jenkon Software CEO Robert Cavitt, log in to The Direct Entrepreneur series here.