Wednesday, March 28, 2012 (12pm - 1pm US/Eastern)

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

To protect the direct selling industry against the threat or imposition of onerous laws or regulations. To ensure government relations activities of the association, in whatever form they may take, adequately reflect the association's desire to ensure equability in consumer transactions. To promote introduction and passage of equitable and uniform laws and regulations affecting direct selling. To assist the association staff in monitoring legislative proposals and proposed administrative regulations on federal, state and local levels. To assist the staff in analyzing legislative proposals as to their effects on the industry and to develop association positions relative to each proposal or type of proposal that are consistent with the policies of the Board of Directors. To support the association's staff in the field and provide leadership in legislative lobbying efforts. To advise staff and the Board of Directors on the state of legislative affairs including trends, challenges and courses of action for the association to follow. To initiate, develop and recommend position papers on legislative issues for the consideration of the Board of Directors.

Who Should Attend:

Members of the Government Relations Committee

Registration Fees:

These fees are available through 03/28/2012
Name Price Available To
FREE $0.00   Direct Selling Member
Pending Direct Selling Member

Is Media Allowed?


For more information please contact:

Jenifer Van Nortwick
Global Regulatory Affairs Assistant