Sunday, June 9 - Tuesday, June 11, 2013
JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa
5350 East Marriott Drive [map]
Phoenix, AZ 85054-6147

Schedule of Sessions and Special Events

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Saturday June 11, 2011

06:30 pm - 09:00 pm Awards Gala (Tuesday Evening)

Saturday June 08, 2013

09:00 am - 10:30 am DSEF Executive Committee Meeting - Desert Suite II
10:30 am - 12:00 pm DSEF Joint Communications & Development Committee Meeting - Desert Suite I
11:00 am - 01:00 pm DSA Executive Committee Meeting - Desert Suite VII
12:00 pm - 07:00 pm DSA Registration Open - Grand Canyon Ballroom Foyer
01:00 pm - 03:00 pm DSA Board of Directors Meeting - Grand Sonoran Ballroom F
01:00 pm - 06:00 pm Exhibitor Set-Up - Grand Canyon Ballroom
03:30 pm - 05:30 pm DSEF Board of Directors Meeting - Grand Sonoran Ballroom F
06:00 pm - 07:00 pm DSA Supplier Reception - Grand Sonoran Ballroom A-B
07:00 pm - 08:00 pm DSA/DSEF Board of Directors Reception - by invitation only - Wildflower Salon A
08:00 pm - 10:00 pm DSA/DSEF Board of Directors Dinner - by invitation only - Wildflower Salon B&C

Sunday June 09, 2013

08:00 am - 01:00 pm Exhibitor Set-Up - Grand Canyon Ballroom
08:00 am - 09:00 pm DSA Registration Open - Grand Canyon Ballroom Foyer
12:00 pm - 09:00 pm Cyber Cafe Open - Grand Canyon Ballroom Foyer
12:30 pm - 03:00 pm WFDSA Board of Directors Meeting - Desert Suite IV
01:00 pm - 03:00 pm DSA Communications Committee Meeting - Blue Sage Restaurant
DSA Government Relations & Ethics Committees & Lawyers Council Joint Meeting - Wildflower Salon B&C
DSA Member Services Committee Meeting - Chairman’s Board Room
01:00 pm - 04:00 pm Exhibit Hall Open for Networking - Grand Canyon Ballroom
03:00 pm - 04:30 pm DSA International Council Meeting - Wildflower Salon A
03:00 pm - 05:00 pm DSA Industry Research Committee Meeting & Happy Hour - Blue Sage Restaurant
DSA Party Plan Council Meeting - Desert Suite III-V
04:30 pm - 05:30 pm Supplier Briefing & Orientation - Grand Canyon Ballroom
05:00 pm - 06:00 pm New Direct Selling Member Reception - by invitation only - Wildflower Salon C
06:00 pm - 08:00 pm Desert Zen Opening Reception - Grand Canyon Ballroom
08:00 pm - 09:00 pm DSEF 19th Hole Reception - Sponsors & Players Only - Wildflower Salon C

Monday June 10, 2013

07:30 am - 08:15 am Monday Networking Breakfast - Grand Canyon Ballroom
07:30 am - 05:00 pm DSA Registration Open - Grand Canyon Ballroom Foyer
07:30 am - 06:30 pm Cyber Café Open - Grand Canyon Ballroom Foyer
08:30 am - 10:00 am Opening General Session: Celebrate Selling - Grand Saguaro Ballroom
Mr. Dan Pink photo Mr. Dan Pink
Keynote Speaker

10:00 am - 10:30 am Refreshment Break - Grand Canyon Ballroom
10:30 am - 12:00 pm Bank I Workshops - Bridging the Generation Gap - Grand Sonoran Ballroom F
Mr. Mike Edwards photo Mr. Mike Edwards
Vice President, Digital CoE

Ms. Teresa E Ficara photo Ms. Teresa E Ficara
Head of U.S. Sales Leadership
Avon Products, Inc.
Ms. Jean Jonas photo Ms. Jean Jonas
Chief Consultant Advocate
Pampered Chef
Bank I Workshops - Developing Leadership - Grand Sonoran Ballroom E
Ms. Jane Deuber photo Ms. Jane Deuber
Direct Selling Mastery Group
Dana Phillips photo Dana Phillips
Managing Partner
Team Connections
Bank I Workshops - Direct Selling in the Public Eye - Grand Sonoran Ballroom A-D
Mr. Alessandro G Carlucci photo Mr. Alessandro G Carlucci
Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Vaughn Crowe photo Mr. Vaughn Crowe
Board Member
Princess House, Inc.
Mr. Rob B. Goergen Jr. photo Mr. Rob B. Goergen Jr.
CEO, Blyth

Mr. Joseph N. Mariano photo Mr. Joseph N. Mariano
President and Chief Executive Officer
Direct Selling Association (DSA)
Mr. Orville Thompson photo Mr. Orville Thompson

Nik Modi photo Nik Modi
Managing Director

Bank I Workshops - Recruiting Breakthroughs - Grand Sonoran Ballroom H-I
Ms. Meredith Berkich photo Ms. Meredith Berkich
Sr. VP for Global Sales
LifeWave, Inc.
Ms. Allison E. Levy photo Ms. Allison E. Levy

Ms. Jayma Woods photo Ms. Jayma Woods
Executive Vice President, Distribution
Miche Bag LLC
Bank I Workshops - Speaker Showcase (Party Plan Sales) - Grand Sonoran Ballroom G
Ms. Belinda Ellsworth photo Ms. Belinda Ellsworth
Step Into Success
Ms. Jan Gilmore photo Ms. Jan Gilmore
Jan Gilmore & Associates
Ms. Karen Phelps photo Ms. Karen Phelps
Author & Professional Speaker
Phelps Positive Performance
Bank I Workshops - “Facebook’s Fine, But I Just Don’t Get Twitter!” - Grand Sonoran Ballroom J-K
Mr. Benson Keith Boreyko photo Mr. Benson Keith Boreyko
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Vemma Nutrition Company
Mr. Richard B. Brooke photo Mr. Richard B. Brooke
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
Life Matters
Ms. Stephanie Wonderlin photo Ms. Stephanie Wonderlin
Director, Social Strategy

12:00 pm - 01:15 pm Buffet Lunch - Grand Canyon Ballroom
01:30 pm - 03:00 pm Bank II Workshops - CEO Roundtable - Grand Sonoran Ballroom A-D
Bank II Workshops - Direct Selling Goes to College - Grand Sonoran Ballroom F
Ms. Kim Drabik photo Ms. Kim Drabik
VP - Corporate Affairs
Plexus Worldwide Inc.
Ms. Nancy Laichas photo Ms. Nancy Laichas
Chief of Entrepreneurship Initiatives

Christine Mollenkopf-Pigsley Ph.D. photo Christine Mollenkopf-Pigsley Ph.D.
Assistant Professor and Program Director in Applied Leadership
Minnesota State University Mankato
Bank II Workshops - New Brand or New Company? - Grand Sonoran Ballroom E
Mr. Cory Pugh photo Mr. Cory Pugh
Chief Strategy Officer

Mr. Mark Stastny photo Mr. Mark Stastny
Chief Marketing Officer
Scentsy, Inc.
Bank II Workshops - Speaker Showcase (Person-to-Person Sales) - Grand Sonoran Ballroom G
Ms. Debbie Allen photo Ms. Debbie Allen

Ms. Rita Davenport photo Ms. Rita Davenport
Bank II Workshops - The Secrets to a Mobile-Savvy Salesforce - Grand Sonoran Ballroom H-I
Bryan Huber photo Bryan Huber
Mr. Rick Stambaugh photo Mr. Rick Stambaugh

Bank II Workshops - The State of Direct Selling in the U.S. - Grand Sonoran Ballroom J-K
Ms. Anne Aldrich photo Ms. Anne Aldrich
Artemis Strategy Group
Ms. Judith N. Jones photo Ms. Judith N. Jones

Mrs. JJ LeBlanc photo Mrs. JJ LeBlanc
Manager, Strategic Intelligence

Ms. Amy M. Robinson APR photo Ms. Amy M. Robinson APR
Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer

03:00 pm - 03:45 pm Refreshment Break - Grand Canyon Ballroom
03:45 pm - 05:45 pm General Session II: Celebrate Leadership - Grand Saguaro Ballroom
Mr. Michael O. Johnson photo Mr. Michael O. Johnson
Chairman and CEO
Herbalife International of America
Ms. Kay Zanotti (formerly Kay Napier) photo Ms. Kay Zanotti (formerly Kay Napier)
Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Jere Thompson Jr. photo Mr. Jere Thompson Jr.
President & CEO, Co-Founder

Mr. Brett R. Chapman photo Mr. Brett R. Chapman

Mr. Truman Hunt photo Mr. Truman Hunt
Vice Chairman

Mr. John P. Parker photo Mr. John P. Parker
Chief Sales Officer & Regional President West
05:45 pm - 06:30 pm Pre-Dinner Networking - Grand Canyon Ballroom
06:30 pm - 08:30 pm CEO Dinner (By Invitation Only) - Wildflower Ballroom B&C

Tuesday June 11, 2013

07:30 am - 08:15 am Direct Selling CEO-Only Breakfast - by invitation only - Grand Sonoran Ballroom A-D
Networking Breakfast - Grand Canyon Ballroom
07:30 am - 02:00 pm DSA Registration Open - Grand Canyon Ballroom Foyer
07:30 am - 05:00 pm Cyber Cafe Open - Grand Canyon Ballroom Foyer
08:30 am - 10:00 am General Session III: Celebrate What’s Right - Grand Saguaro Ballroom
Mr. Dewitt Jones photo Mr. Dewitt Jones
Keynote Speaker
Dewitt Jones
10:00 am - 10:30 am Refreshment Break - Grand Canyon Ballroom
10:30 am - 12:00 pm Best of the Best Awards Finalists Showcase - Excellence in Salesforce Development - Grand Sonoran Ballroom G
Best of the Best Awards Finalists Showcase - Marketing/Sales Campaigns - Grand Sonoran Ballroom H-I
Best of the Best Awards Finalists Showcase - Product Innovation - Grand Sonoran Ballroom F
Best of the Best Awards Finalists Showcase - Technology Innovation - Grand Sonoran Ballroom E
Best of the Best Awards Finalists Showcase - Vision for Tomorrow - Grand Sonoran Ballroom J-K
12:00 pm - 01:15 pm Buffet Lunch - Grand Canyon Ballroom
01:30 pm - 03:00 pm Bank III Workshops - Building the Right Team - Grand Sonoran Ballroom A-D
Ms. Carrie Adams photo Ms. Carrie Adams
Vice President, Human Resources
Mary Kay Inc.
Stuart A MacMillan photo Stuart A MacMillan
Board Member
Monat Global
Mr. James A. Northrop photo Mr. James A. Northrop
President & Chief Executive Officer
Winfield Consulting
Bank III Workshops - Crafting the Customer Experience for People Not Like You - Grand Sonoran Ballroom E
Ms. Kelly McDonald photo Ms. Kelly McDonald
McDonald Marketing
Bank III Workshops - Going Overseas? Where to Go & What to Know - Grand Sonoran Ballroom J-K
Mr. Adolfo Franco photo Mr. Adolfo Franco
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Direct Selling Association (DSA)
Mr. David R. Merriman photo Mr. David R. Merriman
Executive Vice President
ACN, Inc.
Karlheinz J. Ossig Dr. photo Karlheinz J. Ossig Dr.

Mr. Rudy Revak photo Mr. Rudy Revak
Xyngular Chairman
Bank III Workshops - Recruiting & Retaining Your Salesforce with Insurance - Grand Sonoran Ballroom H-I
Ms. Kristie Arslan photo Ms. Kristie Arslan
National Association for the Self-Employed
Mr. Richard C. Fuchs II photo Mr. Richard C. Fuchs II
PRO Insurance Managers Inc.
Ms. Laura B Whittier photo Ms. Laura B Whittier
Manager, MKConnections

Bank III Workshops - Turning an Attack, on the Industry or Your Company into an Opportunity - Grand Sonoran Ballroom G
Linda Ferrell Ph.D. photo Linda Ferrell Ph.D.
Globe Life Professor of Marketing
Auburn University
O.C. Ferrell Ph.D. photo O.C. Ferrell Ph.D.
Director of Center for Ethical Organizational Cultures and James T. Pursell, Sr. Eminent Scholar in Ethics
Auburn University
Mr. Scott Monroe photo Mr. Scott Monroe
Chief Brand Officer
Thirty-One Gifts
Robert A. Peterson Ph.D. photo Robert A. Peterson Ph.D.
John T. Stuart III Centennial Chair in Business Administration
The University of Texas
Bank III Workshops - Women Can Have it All . . . If They Want it - Grand Sonoran Ballroom G
Ms. Lori Bush photo Ms. Lori Bush
Board Member

Mrs. Heather Chastain photo Mrs. Heather Chastain
President US and Canada

03:00 pm - 03:30 pm Ice Cream Social - Grand Canyon Ballroom Foyer
06:00 pm - 06:30 pm Cocktail Reception - Grand Saguaro Ballroom Foyer
06:30 pm - 09:00 pm Awards Gala - Grand Saguaro Ballroom
09:00 pm - 10:30 pm Awards Gala After-Party - Grand Saguaro Ballroom